Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Little Miss M turns 6 months

It was about a month ago, but I am getting there! Miss M, the little baby I took about 6 months ago is growing up so fast. I can't believe she is now 6 months old. Here is a sneak peak of her and her brother Mstr T.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I am still here!!

I have been really slack in posting work lately, but resassured it's just because I am flat out. I've got a good excuse, well sort of, I now have a part time job in my actual trained field of medical science, call me insane, cause I am. Photography satisfies the arty side of me, but the nerdy scientist side was getting a little bored, so thought that I would give myself even less spare time and to make it all that little bit more challenging, do it in something that I haven't done since studying at uni some 15 years ago!! Told you I was a bit nutts!!

Anyhoo, back to the photography............ I swore that I would never do weddings or work with models, but here I am now having done one wedding with another one next week and now also having done a shoot for a hairdresser using models! My job was made so much easier with an awesome stylist and stunning models who knew exactly what they were doing and knew all the little tricks of the hands and tilts of the head. I'll put a few more soon, but just thought I'd let you know I'm still alive!
I have also been doing some corporate work for annual reports which has been fun working with adults who sit still and move only when you say to. So have been trying a few new different things which has been fun.

Friday, October 10, 2008

A morning on the river.

I had the pleasure of photographing an old friend from high school and her beautiful family 3 weeks ago at Mosman Bay. I also had the extra privilage of photographing her wonderful Mum and Dad.
This one is one of my favourites, I love the absolute joy on J's face, a gorgeous moment.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

My first wedding.

Well it's over! Nils and I did our first wedding together on Saturday and boy were we tired! It's a very long day but worth it. It was made so much easier by the beautiful couple Ben and Bianca who were just gorgeous.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Little Mstr L turns 1!

I'm just a bit behind in my processing at the moment, very sorry to those that are very patiently waiting for their proof images, all good things come to those who wait I always say! I am trying really hard to get up to date because I have my first wedding shoot on Saturday and I'm going to have quite a few images from that to wade through.

Here is another little sneak peak of some photos I took a month ago now of Mstr L on his first birthday. I can't believe it's been a year since I first took his photos when he was born! I thought I would include a pic just to show it's not always easy for these little people or for me for that matter!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Another newborn enters the world!

I had the privilage of taking another beautiful newborn's first photos. It seems that everyone says the same thing when they see a newborn - "I can't believe how small it is!" and of course I'm never one to disappoint! These cute pics are of tiny little Baby W and his very proud big sister Miss B. It did take a couple of goes, but we got there in the end.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

More cool photoshop actions!

I just had to share my newest purchase, cause I am just sooooooooooo excited! I have found this awesome company called MCP Actions that have the most awesome actions for portraits. I have attached the link in my Favourite Sites section, check them out. I will try and do some before and afters for you to see when I get a spare moment so keep watching this space!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Baby L and Big Sister Miss J

I did a shoot on Tuesday of this week and processed them in record time, just in time for Fathers Day, I even surprised myself as I am now doing all my own photoshop work as my photoshop assistant (aka my husband) is now working full time and doesn't have all that spare time! So I've had my crash course and I keep learning new things all the time. I keep finding all these cool actions that amaze me with how good they look.

Anyhoo....... back to the pics, I have so many favourite ones of these very cute girls that it was so hard to decide which ones to post!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Little Miss M at 3 months

Here is the next installment of my Birth to 1 year package from my last post. This is Little Miss M at 3 months old. I can't believe how much she has grown in 3 months. She now has the most gorgeous little smile. I can't wait until our next meeting at 6 months to see what she can do!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

First newborn portrait session

These are some of my favourite images from my first newborn session that I did back in May of a beautiful family and their new daughter Miss M. Little Miss M was the perfect angel, falling asleep just near the end so we could get the Anne Geddes style image at the bottom of this entry.
This was my first customer for my Newborn to First Year Package. It includes a session at birth, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and 1 year. Following each session all images are given copyright free for the customer on CD following signing of a copyright aggrement. At the completion of the 1 year, specially selected images from each of the shoots will be mounted into a 10 page Gallery Album. This package is $1250, paid in instalments at each sitting of $250.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Some moments from our SA trip

We have recently returned from a fantastic trip to South Australia to celebrate my brother-in-law's 40th birthday. The kids all had a great time and can't wait until Christmas when they will see each other again. The photos to follow are some pics I took of my sister-in-law's sister and her 2 beautiful girls, just to show Dad what he missed out on!! I will get my skates on and process the other images, but for now, here is a sneak peak of a few of my favourites so far.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

New Logo

After much communication between me, an artistically challenged individual and an awesome graphic designer in the US named Trisha Robertson at Orange Gecko Designs, we (do you like that we!) have come up with my new logo, which I have now added as my blog title, pretty cool I think! This woman is great and would recommend her to anyone, she does the most amazing work and has a great website for budding photographers in need of desperate guidence in Photoshop! Her website is
Thanks Nils pointing me in the Orange Gecko direction. I think we must be even now!

Monday, July 21, 2008

June Session

I've been a bit slack in posting some of my recent shoots. These few are from June in Hyde Park of a friend's two children which is soon to be three! Little Miss B is just too cute and man can she put on the charm. Mstr I is the ever efficient big brother, annoying his little sister, but hey that is his job!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Sneak peak from last Sunday

Here is a sneak peak of some of my favourite moments that I captured last Sunday of a wonderful family.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

More images.

I have finally got around to choosing a couple more of my favourite images to show you. These couple are the type of image I like to capture, the unposed special moment in time that speaks more than words can say. I will be posting more very soon, so watch this space.

I have also just got back from one of my favourite places at the moment, Image Finish in East Perth, and picked up a couple of my new products. One is a beautiful little 12 page Brag Book that comes in it's own little box, very cute and also the Portait Folios in pink and blue. I will pop a post on to show these really cool items. Chris at Image Finish has also just told me that they are bringing out some more very cool things, I am so excited, can't wait to see them and to share them all with you.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Mstr F and Billy the Bear

I have a few minutes to play while Mstr J is sleeping, so I thought I would have a go at adding a picture from my last shoot while I am processing them. This is Mstr F with Billy the Bear, a much adored bear.

My first entry into the world of blogging!

I've done it!! I am now offically a blogger and it really wasn't that hard to do either! I am slowly in the process of setting up my website for my photography business, so watch this space for more details, but this will have to do for now. I'll be posting some of my work on here as well, so you may see some of your beautiful faces on here soon.

Catch you all sometime soon
