Sunday, November 16, 2008

I am still here!!

I have been really slack in posting work lately, but resassured it's just because I am flat out. I've got a good excuse, well sort of, I now have a part time job in my actual trained field of medical science, call me insane, cause I am. Photography satisfies the arty side of me, but the nerdy scientist side was getting a little bored, so thought that I would give myself even less spare time and to make it all that little bit more challenging, do it in something that I haven't done since studying at uni some 15 years ago!! Told you I was a bit nutts!!

Anyhoo, back to the photography............ I swore that I would never do weddings or work with models, but here I am now having done one wedding with another one next week and now also having done a shoot for a hairdresser using models! My job was made so much easier with an awesome stylist and stunning models who knew exactly what they were doing and knew all the little tricks of the hands and tilts of the head. I'll put a few more soon, but just thought I'd let you know I'm still alive!
I have also been doing some corporate work for annual reports which has been fun working with adults who sit still and move only when you say to. So have been trying a few new different things which has been fun.