Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Another newborn enters the world!

I had the privilage of taking another beautiful newborn's first photos. It seems that everyone says the same thing when they see a newborn - "I can't believe how small it is!" and of course I'm never one to disappoint! These cute pics are of tiny little Baby W and his very proud big sister Miss B. It did take a couple of goes, but we got there in the end.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

More cool photoshop actions!

I just had to share my newest purchase, cause I am just sooooooooooo excited! I have found this awesome company called MCP Actions that have the most awesome actions for portraits. I have attached the link in my Favourite Sites section, check them out. I will try and do some before and afters for you to see when I get a spare moment so keep watching this space!