Thursday, April 30, 2009

Cute as a button.

I love this paid hobby of mine! I get to play with babies and kids while they are happy and then when they start to get grumpy that is usually my cue to leave!

These little cherubs are no exception. Little Mstr I is now 4 months old. It was quite funny to see his big brother and sister trying to steal his little moment, which he wasn't fased at all about, just drove Mum nuts!

Mum also has an awesome company called Party Wishes. It's a kids party hire company where
you hire costumes and table settings and even blow up animals to suit your party theme. Check them out at

Friday, April 3, 2009

They grow up soooooo fast!

Little Master W has grown so much. Check out my post in September last year where he was a tiny tiny newborn.
He is such a happy little man, always ready with a smile. Big sister Miss B is always ready to lend a hand in making him smile and of course to throw a few poses in for good measure.